static-catalog Documentation

Generate the Catalog Files

The catalog generation is the last step in having a search-able catalog of static data. It will take the settings made in the previous step and apply each setting to the CSV data in order to produce the structure of files that will be downloaded and processed in the browser

There are four necessary elements that must be provided to the generate-catalog engine

The source CSV data file

This is the initial file, it can be viewed in the first tab and examined in the second tab

The fields-filters file

This is the fields-filters file which was created (edited) in the third tab during the “Fields and Filters” step

The template file

A “.liquid” HTML template file to be personalized for the search (by default the dev one)

The result folder

This folder will contain the generated catalog. Its content will be deleted on the start of each generation

Generate Catalog

The generation step will create several files and folders, inside a root folder (usually named “result”), with the following structure:


This folder contains the data necessary for the search. Normally its content should never be modified after it is created. For information purposes only, here is its content:


Here is the source CSV data, split into pieces, each piece less than one megabyte


Here are the values for values and interval indexes. There is one file per filter (field)


The keywords filters are kept here as a folder for each filter and a file for each two letters that are the starting two letters of a word


This folder contains the scripts that do the actual search inside the data. These scripts should not be modified


The data sorts are kept here as one per field and direction (so maximum two per field – ascending and descending)

Again, this “_catalog” folder should be taken as it is, it will be re-generated (deleted, re-created and written) at each new generate operation

Another generated folder is:


This folder contains the search data which should be used in the HTML page, in order to display the search options to the user. It will contain:


This folder will contain the possible values (words) of the keyword filters. The structure is one folder per filter and inside it one file for each two letters pair which is the beginning of a keyword. Each file will contain all the words starting with a pair and for each word the number (counter) of lines (results) it appears on. These files can be used by specially written page controls for displaying to the user the possible words while the first letters are typed. A complete example is given for the “Search Box” control (see below)


This file is the main settings file for the entire HTML search page. It contains all the fields, for each field the settings from the file fields-filters, and if the field is a filter all possible filter values and for each value the counter number of the result lines it appears on

This file that must be used to show the filters inside the page in order to allow the user to do a selection for a search

This file offers all the necessary data for creating the search controls and the way it will be used is up to the developer. It can be used in the page:

  • By a script that will dynamically create the controls
  • For already created controls to be filled with data
  • As an entry for a templating system

By default static-Catalog supports the “Liquid” template system and if a “.liquid” file is provided then the application will execute the template inside of it, on the data from static-catalog-page.json file

Sample 1

A complete example for such a file is provided in the folder static-catalog-dev in the file static-catalog-page-dev.liquid This file is part of a complete example together with a style library (Semantic-UI), and it has its own style/script. This default generation using the example template page can be used as a starting point in order to customize the result to match the containing site

The idea is to use the default generation and then test the result, and when everything will be OK (such as the controls, the result of the search, the performance etc.) to start and customize the styles to match the desired look

After generation, the HTML file which resulted from the liquid template will be opened in the default browser. This will allow to have a rapid view of the result, but this local file is not going to be functional, because of the browser domain constraints. For local files the current browsers do not allow for other resources to be opened by code. At the time of this writing Chrome is not allowing local JSON files to be loaded, by it allows for example custom local font files to be loaded OK; for Firefox, it doesn’t allow anything

For Firefox there is a way to allow the local files access; when this is applied everything will work fine and this way the search can be tested at maximum speed, but this modification is not recommended to be permanent, for security reasons

As such, in order to test the generate step, a web server is needed (the good news is that any server will work, as the web site is static). The application was mainly tested with WAMP. Create a folder inside the server “www” folder and set it as the result of the generate step

Distribution Requirements
Java Script
Development Requirements
Java Script
About static-catalog

The missing piece of static generated sites. - 2019